Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Go on, SMILE!

Do you know it's good to smile as it makes you healthier? I used to think it was some junk people were spreading around, but apparently, there is evidence in the statement. Truthfully, I can smile at every little thing that is funny, sweet, cute, and so on so forth. I consider myself a VERY happy person in general. But you know, one thing that is guaranteed to make you smile, even laugh until tears are running down your cheeks? Well, go to http://thisibelieve.org/essay/62368/. Matt Harding has travel to loads of countries, just to videotape himself dancing really badly. Guess what? Loads, and I mean loads, of people have asked to join him dancing. It connects us all to each other, everyone in the world. I think that's really awesome, that such a small action can bring us all together. We should support this guy in his vocation to making the world more connected in a more friendly, social way. I mean, all our technology is for nothing if we don't know anyone on the other side of the world, is it? Maybe this will help us all be more conscious in knowing what's happening on the other side of the world.The picture above signifies the the diversity of the world, how every individual is different. Notice how every flower in the picture is close to many others. That's how close we are right now, but we need to work on being actual friends. See, the flowers are all different, but some are similar, which I think symbolises friendship. That is what we need to work on. Together. As a world.