Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Go on, SMILE!

Do you know it's good to smile as it makes you healthier? I used to think it was some junk people were spreading around, but apparently, there is evidence in the statement. Truthfully, I can smile at every little thing that is funny, sweet, cute, and so on so forth. I consider myself a VERY happy person in general. But you know, one thing that is guaranteed to make you smile, even laugh until tears are running down your cheeks? Well, go to http://thisibelieve.org/essay/62368/. Matt Harding has travel to loads of countries, just to videotape himself dancing really badly. Guess what? Loads, and I mean loads, of people have asked to join him dancing. It connects us all to each other, everyone in the world. I think that's really awesome, that such a small action can bring us all together. We should support this guy in his vocation to making the world more connected in a more friendly, social way. I mean, all our technology is for nothing if we don't know anyone on the other side of the world, is it? Maybe this will help us all be more conscious in knowing what's happening on the other side of the world.The picture above signifies the the diversity of the world, how every individual is different. Notice how every flower in the picture is close to many others. That's how close we are right now, but we need to work on being actual friends. See, the flowers are all different, but some are similar, which I think symbolises friendship. That is what we need to work on. Together. As a world.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Making A Difference

A post on http://breakingfrozenseas.blogspot.com/ talks about 2 somophores who are reaching out for peace in their campus.For almost 2 hours everyday, they are out there, complimenting on anything and everything under the sun; clothes, hair, what the passerbys are eating, iPods, bikes, moustaches, even goatees. More than often, people smile, give a thumbs ups, laugh, and give thanks.They're doing this because...? Why, simply to make people feel good, of course!! As the 'Compliment Guys', the nickname they are given, said, "People in America are having quite a few bad days recently.America's not as it used to be." Sadly, this plague of gloomy days has been spreading across the globe, leaving in its wake the Seven Deadly Sins, harassing and stinging all in sight. So let us keep this in mind, and when you spy someone passing down the hall, don't hesitate to just give a smile, a greeting, or just a hand in greeting. You might just make that person's day. Just like I used to do with my friends, we all made a videos, cards, a small note, sometimes even parties, for our friends and teachers.The picture of a red rose shown above is to symbolise that compliments should come from the heart. The red rose, symbol of the heart, shows that compliments shouldn't be something like,"You look nice." They should be SINCERE, the one rule to complimenting, to be SINCERE.Be sincere, sincere, sincere...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Yi, the Gift of Happiness

This painting symbolises my name because happiness, the meaning of my name, always eludes those who seek it continuously. Instead, it chooses to flutter around those who enjoy simple things in life. Those who are happy with their lives, no matter how difficult the obstacles they face. That is how I see the way I live my life. My name, Yi, means happiness, joy and delight in Mandarin. A wish, made by both parents so my life be filled with happiness. My mother hoped for me to be wealthy, healthy, and intelligent. My father just wanted me to be, put simply, joyful. He was the one who decided, and persuaded my mother to name me “happy”-literally. In my opinion, the wish came through. I have always seen myself as optimistic, jovial, like the first star you see in the night. It may be small, but it’s vivid and loud, calling for some, if not more, interest in it. My siblings were named in the same way, Xing meaning blessed and Zhe meaning wise. Nasty words, sneaky comments and the like won’t have colossal effects as those sly little words will wash away with the wind, out into the blackness of space. Even teasing will be taken lightly, to an extent. Hence, in my younger years, “Yigirl” which many relatives tended to call me, sounds similar to eagle. When I was little, I believed my name meant the majestic eagle, soaring though the sky. So however harsh any of my cousins were, none made me really angry . Yi, short but sweet. Just right for a simple person, like me.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Journeys Within

"The only journey is the journey within."-Rainer Maria Rilke

This quote is written by German poet Rainer Maria Rilke. Intriguingly, the more you think about this quote, the more true is seems. No matter how colossal the issue may seem, you will have at least a chance is you set your mind to it and try. The quest will only be fulfilled if the quester wants to finish it. Most of the battles everyone face are, usually, "inner" battles.
This lost, faraway painting is by Merrin Wasterink. This painting is a wonderful, expressive way of explaining the quote above. The boat represents you, the vastness of water, the rest of the world. To live among this 'world', you will have to take charge of the boat, take charge of you, so to speak. Once you have your 'oars', you may successfully begin the 'journey'. Even after the first challenge, you will still have to battle your doubtful, skeptical mind from giving up.