Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Making A Difference

A post on http://breakingfrozenseas.blogspot.com/ talks about 2 somophores who are reaching out for peace in their campus.For almost 2 hours everyday, they are out there, complimenting on anything and everything under the sun; clothes, hair, what the passerbys are eating, iPods, bikes, moustaches, even goatees. More than often, people smile, give a thumbs ups, laugh, and give thanks.They're doing this because...? Why, simply to make people feel good, of course!! As the 'Compliment Guys', the nickname they are given, said, "People in America are having quite a few bad days recently.America's not as it used to be." Sadly, this plague of gloomy days has been spreading across the globe, leaving in its wake the Seven Deadly Sins, harassing and stinging all in sight. So let us keep this in mind, and when you spy someone passing down the hall, don't hesitate to just give a smile, a greeting, or just a hand in greeting. You might just make that person's day. Just like I used to do with my friends, we all made a videos, cards, a small note, sometimes even parties, for our friends and teachers.The picture of a red rose shown above is to symbolise that compliments should come from the heart. The red rose, symbol of the heart, shows that compliments shouldn't be something like,"You look nice." They should be SINCERE, the one rule to complimenting, to be SINCERE.Be sincere, sincere, sincere...


  1. I LOVE YOUR BLOG!! You have such great writing, and I love the pictures you put up!!!! Wish that I could follow yours!! :P
    Keep up the great work!

  2. In this piece of writing, you have really explained your thoughts and felling, and I can see that you have put alot of time into it. Keep it up!
