Thursday, January 27, 2011

DomiKnows: Knowing About Me

Some people think logically, write with their right hand, subconsciously start to walk with their left leg, and prefer listening with the right ear rather than the left. A freak of nature?

Well, if she/he is, then we all are too. These preferences are how you learn, or think, or cope under stress.

It has a lot to do with your brain. Your logical, orderly side controls everyday life like putting the key into the ignition before you drive and booting up the computer before you open Microsoft Word. The other side, however, deals with emotion and intuition. This part likes the way your painting looks because it's got a variety a vibrant colors and says that person in the dark jacket over at that table looks like a thief.

For me, I am gestalt (emotional-oriented), I listen better with my right ear, see things through my left eye, write with my left and step forward with my left as well. My profile is called, simply, O. This profile states that I learn well through movement and focus on the big thing, drawing the issue in relevence to myself. As a highly visual learner, I like to physically see the whole picture and prefer to actually do whatever is being learned. I also like to have examples and allusions to other subjects to help me comprehend when problem solving. People belonging to the profile O are very kinesthetic, meaning they must move their body, mostly the hands, to learn. When in the classroom, I have been known to sit cross-legged on my chair while absentmindedly swaying from side to side. Sometimes, when I feel relaxed, I will doodle absently and listen for the details instead.

Because my eyes scans from left to right, I have slight difficulty reading left to right languages like English, although extensive reading of storybooks have nearly canceled out this difficulty. Also, my eyes and hand don't work together very well, which causes difficulty with handwriting. I usually have problems with communicating details in a logical, orderly way. Sometimes, although my movements are usually intuitive and flowing, stress affects my ability to execute specific technique. I also prefer not to follow the instructions, but instead start by envisioning the final product, then starting wherever I feel is best.

Most people of the profile O benefit from sitting close to the front of the classroom or meeting room on the left hand side, while still being able to move without disturbing others. Some techniques that a profile O person might learn to help cope with stress are reading out loud, toning the hand-eye coordination by using the Brain Gym technique 'Lazy 8's', or 'Thinking Caps'. Also, balancing the arts and movement into linguistics and math will be really beneficial to people of the profile O.

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